
The process of auditing the translations and data provided in this website is not yet finished. The translations of Quran are not meant to be completely accurate, but meant to be used as interpretation or understanding of the author of the translation.


Release Notes 2021

Since starting first in 2013, this is the sixth major release, with improvements in user interface and functionalities. However, it is still not completely audited, and possibly contains many errors. I am working to find any solution to resolve these errors, and I would like to request everyone to help in finding any issues that this site have.



Introduction to Release 2013

This site takes a humble attempt to provide a set of facilities for comprehensive research on Quran and available materials and provides translation in various languages.

The site contains tools such as,

Browsing the full Quran in the Original Text and its translations in various languages by various renowned scholars. A large collection of translations from various authors have been included in this site to compare the meanings and understand. Ability to search within the verses of Quran, its translations as well as comments in many languages. All texts, translations and comments of users can be searched efficiently to provide relevant results.

Having discussion with explanations, history of verses in order to better help in understanding the message of Quran. Users may register to contribute to any of the verses with the help of references from available materials.



The Holy Quran is the word of Allah (the God) revealed to the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) during his life time at Mecca and Medina as a guidence to the human kind. It is widely regarded as the finest piece of literature in Arabic language. The Quran’s message is without any errors or contradictions. It has the set of instructions for mankind for their life and the hereafter. Various scholars have published research, translations and commentaries to better realize and understand the Holy Quran. The Quran contains signs and indication for those who search for truth.

I would like to acknowledge gratitude to almighty Allah (swt) for allowing the efforts to make this website possible. It has been largely helped by the open source Muslim community databases and technologies that are maintained by generous people around the world. All rights and credits for the translations belong to respective translators, scholars and maintainers.

Original Text, and most of its translations and transliteration data sources include: www.qurandatabase.org, www.tanzil.info, www.theholyquran.org, Zekr project, zekr.org, islam.googlecode.com/files/quran_bangla.sql.zip, quran-online.net, www.islamforbulgaria.com, www.islamware.com, www.theholyquran.org, www.rojakurdi.com/Kurdi/quran.html, www.quran.com Bosnian and Turkish web sites, and many other sources.